Sunday, August 24, 2014

Navigate 2.1.1 Delivery Methods and the Synchronous Vendor Market Quest

Navigate 2.1.1 Delivery Methods and the Synchronous Vendor Market Quest

Compose a blog post regarding the available options in the synchronous delivery market for learning.

In the online learning community there are numerous ways to reach students and members synchronously.

There are two main markets for synchronously delivery options:
1. Commercial/Vendor
2. Open Source

There are pros and cons for both options. Let's explore each one.

Commercial of course is exactly what one would expects.. You must purchase it and most have a free trial period. It has technical support 24/7.  It is professionally developed and can be more user-friendly for online learners. However, there can be hidden or on-going costs involved even past the initial cost. Sometimes, with commercial or vendors the purchaser has little control over format, content, etc.. It is a prepackaged option. Some, you can tailor for your needs, but again that could add to more money out of pocket. 
Some examples of commercial options that I have personally used and found very easy to use:
1. Gotomeeting
2. Blackboard
Others that are big in this market that I have no experience with are Adobe Connect, CiscoWebEx, Veeting Rooms just to mention a few.

Open Source is FREE! Which is the biggest advantage over commercial. One usually has more control over the format and content. May have some technical support, but not as vast as commercial. Some examples include Webhuddle, Google Hangout, and Big Blue Button. I have only had a small amount of experience with Google Hangout and found it very easy to use.

It can be quite overwhelming at all the options available for institutions to host meetings, tutoring sessions, etc... for students. One needs to really do their homework and find the right option for their needs. There is something for everyone out there!

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